Mapulus – Support: Learn how to add transit corridors that highlight nearby public transport

Mapulus Help Centre

How to Enable Transit Routes on a Map in Mapulus

Learn how to add transit routes that highlight nearby public transport.

Mapulus allows you to enable transit routes on your map, providing visual representation of transportation routes and corridors. Enabling transit routes can help you analyze public transportation networks, plan transit-oriented developments, and understand the accessibility of different areas. This guide will walk you through the steps to enable transit routes on a map in Mapulus.


  1. An active Mapulus account.
  2. Access to the Mapulus map where you want to enable transit routes.

Steps to Enable Transit Routes:

  1. Log in to your Mapulus account: Start by logging in to your Mapulus account using your credentials (username and password).

  2. Navigate to Your Map: After logging in, navigate to the map where you want to enable transit routes. You can find your maps in your account dashboard.

  3. Enable Locality Borders: In the sidebar, scroll down to find the “Locality Borders” option under Libraries. Check the box next to “Locality Borders” to enable the display of local boundaries on your map.

  4. Enable Transit Routes: In the sidebar, scroll down to find the “Transit Routes” option under Libraries. Check the box next to “Transit Routes” to enable the display of transit routes and corridors on your map.

  5. View Transit Routes: Once you have enabled the transit routes feature, the transportation routes and corridors will be visible on your Mapulus map. You will see the distinct lines representing different transit modes such as bus routes, subway lines, or train routes.

  6. Interact with Transit Routes: You can interact with the transit routes to explore and analyze the transportation network. Zoom in or out on the map to see more detailed transit routes. Click on specific transit lines to gather additional information or access related data.

Congratulations! You have successfully enabled transit routes on your Mapulus map. The transit routes feature enhances your mapping experience by providing visual representation of transportation routes and corridors, allowing for better analysis of public transportation networks and accessibility.

Please note that the availability and accuracy of transit routes data may vary based on the region and data sources used by Mapulus. Transit routes and routes may be subject to change and should be verified with official sources for the most up-to-date information.

Leverage the transit routes feature in Mapulus to gain insights into public transportation networks, plan transit-oriented developments, and analyze the accessibility of different areas.