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How to Create a Cluster Map in Mapulus

Learn how create a cluster map that groups locations together based on proximity.

Mapulus provides powerful visualization capabilities, including the ability to create a cluster map. Cluster maps are a useful way to represent a large number of location markers on a map in a visually appealing and informative manner. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a cluster map in Mapulus.


  1. An active Mapulus account.
  2. Access to the Mapulus map where you want to create the cluster map.

Steps to Create a Cluster Map:

  1. Log in to your Mapulus account: Start by logging in to your Mapulus account using your credentials (username and password).

  2. Navigate to Your Map: After logging in, navigate to the map where you want to create the cluster map. You can find your maps in your account dashboard.

  3. Choose a Layer to Work With: You can either create a new layer or edit an existing layer to set it to the cluster style. To create a new layer, click on the “Add Layer” button in the map layers menu. To edit an existing layer, locate the layer you want to work with in the map layers menu and click on the settings menu next to the layer. This is represented by three vertical dots that, when clicked, expands to show various options related to map layers. Select “Edit Layer”.

  4. Set the Layer to Cluster Style: In the layer settings modal, select the “Cluster” option for the layer’s rendering style. This will ensure that the locations within the layer are clustered together based on their proximity.

  5. Assign Locations to the Cluster Layer: After customizing the layer settings, you can start assigning locations to the cluster layer. This can be done by either creating new locations and assigning them to the layer or by editing existing locations and assigning them to the newly created cluster layer.

  6. View the Cluster Map: The cluster map will now be visible on your Mapulus map, with locations grouped together as clusters based on their proximity. As you zoom in on the map, the clusters will dynamically adjust to show individual location markers.

  7. Interact with the Cluster Map: You can interact with the cluster map by clicking on a cluster to zoom in and reveal the individual location markers within the cluster. This allows for a more detailed exploration of the locations.

Congratulations! You have successfully created a cluster map in Mapulus. Cluster maps are an effective way to visualize and analyze large datasets with many location markers. They provide a clear overview while still allowing you to explore individual locations when needed.

Mapulus offers a range of customization options to fine-tune your cluster map, allowing you to create visually appealing and informative maps tailored to your specific needs. Explore the possibilities of cluster maps to gain valuable insights from your geographic data.