Mapulus – Support: How to add layers to a custom map.

Mapulus Help Centre

Adding Layers to a Map in Mapulus.

Learn how to add and manage layers in a map to group locations and adjust how they are visualised.

Mapulus allows you to organize your map data efficiently by using layers. Layers enable you to categorize and group location markers, making it easier to manage and visualize your data. This guide will walk you through the steps to add a layer to your Mapulus map.


  1. An active Mapulus account.
  2. Access to the Mapulus map where you want to add a layer.

Steps to Add a Layer to Your Mapulus Map:

  1. Log in to your Mapulus account: Start by logging in to your Mapulus account using your credentials (username and password).
  2. Navigate to Your Map: After logging in, navigate to the map where you want to add the layer. You maps can be found in your account dashboard.
  3. Open the Map Add Menu: On the map's page, locate the Add menu. This is a button in the top left with a plus icon that, when clicked, expands to display various options related to your map.
  4. Add a New Layer: In the expanded map layers menu, look for the "Add Layer" option. Click on it to initiate the layer creation process.
  5. Enter Layer Details: A dialog box will appear where you can enter the layer details. The information you need to provide includes:
    • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the layer. Choose a name that clearly represents the purpose or theme of the markers it will contain.
    • Style: Select the rendering style for the layer. You can choose from the following options:
      • Point Renders individual locations as distinct points on the map.
      • Cluster: Clusters locations together when they are in close proximity, providing a more compact visualization.
      • Heat Map: Generates a heat map based on the density of locations, showing areas with higher concentration.
    • Color: Choose a color for the layer. This color will be used to differentiate the locations associated with this layer from other layers on the map.
    • Custom Attributes: You have the option to add custom attributes to your layer. Custom attributes allow you to add additional details or metadata to the locations that you add to this layer. This can be useful for storing specific information related to each locations.
  6. Save the Layer: Once you have entered the layer details, click the "Add Layer" button to create the layer.
  7. Assign Locations to the Layer: After creating the layer, you can start assigning Locations to it. This can be done by either creating new Locations and assigning them to the layer or by editing existing locations and assigning them to the newly created layer.

Congratulations! You have successfully added a new layer to your Mapulus map. You can now organize and categorize your locations based on different themes or purposes.

Mapulus provides a powerful platform for visualizing and sharing geographic data, and with the ability to add layers, you can create informative and organized maps tailored to your specific needs.